help, communication, faq

Communication is everything.

Hello, how can we help?

VOE is a video hosting platform to save, manage, and collaborate personal videos. It offers fast access, privacy protection, and easy sharing with friends, family, or team members.

VOE is a secure and efficient platform that prioritizes the privacy of your personal videos. With fast accessibility, collaboration tools, and user-friendly features, VOE provides a reliable solution for storing, accessing, and sharing your content securely.

All normal video files such as mp4, avi or mkv. If the format cannot be played in the browser, we will convert the videos automatically.

We store the files for 60 days without a view. If someone watches your video within the 60 days, the counter will be set to 60 days again. The limit may be increased automatically by our system to 120 days or infinite.

With a paid premium plus you have the possibility to unlock some extra advantages.

All accounts receive 3TB of free storage as a base volume. Our available storage space is automatically managed and distributed by the system. The storage space is recalculated every 5-7 days.

Navigate to your account settings and request a deletion of your account. The legally conforming deletion process will then be initiated and after a grace period your account and data will be permanently deleted in compliance with local regulations.

That is no problem, we will be happy to help you. Please contact us for further questions or use our support ticket system as an existing customer. We will get back to you within 1-7 days.

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